Home of the Anomaly
Our Origin Story
Changing the Status Quo
In 2011, Anomaly Eyes of Justice started out with a simple question, "How do I address social issues in a meaningful, yet entertaining and educational way?" The 'I' soon turned into a 'we' as two U.S. military veterans joined forces to discuss various methods of answering this perplexing question. What they discovered was that there were a multitude of ways to answer the question. Their reaction was to pose another question, "Can we select various methods of addressing social issues that we find most intriguing and merge them together?" Their answer was, "Yes we can!"
Social Innovation
The two veterans had been involved in volunteer service in their local community, seeing first-hand the many social issues that people from children to adults faced on a daily basis and thought about how awesome it would be to have a real-life hero with super-human strength come to the rescue. Perhaps this hero could make a difference in the lives of a few or the lives of many. This hero could educate and inspire real social change locally and perhaps globally.
The Birth of a Hero
In reality, the two veterans knew that such a hero didn't physically exist, so they asked themselves another question, "What if we create a hero who is a champion of social justice?" Thus, Anomaly Eyes of Justice was born. A comic book concept at first that soon evolved into an instrument that had the potential to reach masses of people in the local community and spark conversations from around the world when shared on digital platforms.
Anomaly is an Anomaly
Anomaly Eyes of Justice was created with the intent to use music tracks and various sounds in scenes, voiceovers for characters, and a multitude of everchanging stories to address social issues in meaningful, educational, and entertaining ways. The creators have real-life situations in mind. We aren't fighting aliens or flying through the skies wearing capes. No offense if that's what you enjoy. Anomaly Eyes of Justice uses both fact and fiction to tell stories about social issues: Heavy on the fact part, we do our research. Addressing social issues is the driving force behind the digital comic, and we will not stray from our origins.